A series of Programs and activities that allow adults to explore current events, culture and history and experience the multitude of natural and arts experiences in our region, while engaging with both their faith and the community.
Series include:
Trinity at the Movies: If you finished a movie and really wanted to sit down and have a substantive discussion about what you just saw, this series is for you. Join us in our café for a movie and potluck snacks and drinks followed by a guided discussion. All movies will be shown with closed captioning. Movies will be shown in the Cafe. Registration is not required, but it would be nice to know you are coming and if you want to bring something to share (again not required).
Trinity on the Go in New England: This series offers day trips to some of New England's many arts and historical experiences. Pre-registration is required. There will be costs for most tours but you can tell us this on the registration from contact Rob Powell if this is a problem and we will make it work.
Trinity at the Podium: Deep dives on a variety of topics from current events, culture, the arts and history given by community members, followed by questions and discussions. Join us in the café to learn something new. One of the fall sessions will be a Moth night format where we will be asking for people to participate.
Trinity at the Symphony: Enjoy Springfield’s world class symphony with friends from Trinity. In this series participants will get together before the concert for a pot-luck and overview by one of Trinity’s many resident music experts on the concert.
A list of planned events is given below. We urge all adults to participate in at least one event. If you have an idea for an event, have a movie you want to recommend or have a topic to present please let us know by filling out this form.
There are Costs associated with some of these programs - but tell us if you need help paying and we will make it work for you.
Trinity at the Movies: Conclave

February 28, 2025 at 6 P.M. in the Cafe
Join us for a viewing and discussion of the movie Conclave:
Cardinal Lawrence has one of the world's most secretive and ancient events, participating in the selection of a new pope. Surrounded by powerful religious leaders in the halls of the Vatican, he soon uncovers a trail of deep secrets that could shake the very foundation of the Roman Catholic Church.
Bring a snack to share if you want.