Worship Services

361 Sumner Ave.
Springfield, MA 01108

Music and The Arts


Music and the arts are an integral part of our worship service and life at Trinity.  We have talented vocal and instrumental musicians who enrich our services on a weekly basis.  Our choirs rehearse on a weekly basis and form a rich community experience within Trinity Church.

We welcome new members who seek to serve the Lord with their musical gifts and enjoy the fruits of a strong community of musicians.  If you are interested in learning more about the choirs, please see below and be sure to e-mail Dr. Michael Carney at music@trinityspringfield.org to get involved.

The list of our many and varied choirs for all ages is provided below.

Trinity's Director of Music Ministries Dr. Michael Carney

Trinity's  Director of Music Ministries Dr. Michael Carney _MG_4742.jpg

Adult Choirs

Adult Choirs _MG_6722.jpg


Chancel Choir
A singing choir of adults and high school aged youth which provides the music leadership for Worship Services and the Boar’s Head Festival. Rehearsals Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.  Please contact Michael Carney for more information at music@trinityspringfield.org

Trinity Handbell Choir

An adult handbell choir that rings at Worship Services and special events. 

Rehearsals Thursdays 5:45-6:45 p.m.

Do you sing?  Would you like to be part of a dynamic and inspiring music program?  Please contact Michael at music@trinityspringfield.org  for more information. 

Youth Choirs

Youth Choirs _MG_6665.jpg

Does your child sing?  Would they like to meet people their age, sing beautiful music and enjoy learning about sacred music?  We have a place for them!  

For children grade 2 and up.  

Rehearsals Sunday afternoons 12:00-12:45 p.m.

Please contact Michael Carney for more information at music@trinityspringfield.org


An all girls choir for grades 7-12.  

Rehearsals Sunday afternoons 12:45-1:30 p.m. 

Please contact Michael Carney for more information at music@trinityspringfield.org

Youth Handbell Choir

A handbell choir for grades 7-12 that rings at Worship Services and special events.  

Rehearsal Sunday afternoons from 1:30 to 2:20 p.m.

Please contact Michael Carney for more information at music@trinityspringfield.org


Dance Movement Choir

Dance Movement Choir _MG_4304.jpg

The Movement/Dance Choir is open to all.  If you would like to dance in our choir, or are just thinking about it, please come join us!

We’re an intergenerational group, ages 6-adult, that contributes to the worship service through movement, just as the other choirs do through words and music. Dance experience is NOT required, nor is walking. All that is required is a sense that worship can move, literally, beyond words and music.

If you would like to participate, we rehearse on Sundays from 12:00 - 12:45, with optional time 12:45 - 1:30 pm.  Please see Amelia for details or questions. 

Amelia, director of the dance movement choir,  can be reached at: trinitydance@trinityspringfield.org