Mission and Justice

Trinity Church is dedicated to partnering with and supporting others in our community and elsewhere in the world, especially those in need. We believe in the spiritual value of accompanying those who are struggling, having found that we ourselves also receive as we reach out to offer what we can to others.
Food Insecurity Parkside Pantry

Parkside Pantry Update
The idea for Parkside Pantry began after the pandemic started in March 2020 as we looked for ways to respond to our neighbors in need. Trinity’s Parkside Pantry officially opened in April 2021. Since then, we have given out 769 bags of food as well as turkeys and other fixings at Thanksgiving time. We are extremely grateful for the support of eeryone at Trinity who has heled make this possible!
Fast Facts About the Parkside Pantry:
Pantry is open 4th Wed. of each month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Hale Room entrance
We average 27 guests per month but that number is increasing
As members of Food Bank of Western Mass, we receive food for a minimal monthly cost
Our refrigerator allows us to offer fresh local produce and dairy products
Team of 8 volunteers staff the pantry for the monthly donations. Additional volunteers pick up, unload, and organize the food
Core team of 5 volunteers meets monthly to plan all aspects of the pantry
If you have questions or need more information, please call (413) 351-0601.
Trinity's Community Ministries

Thanksgiving Baskets for neighborhood families who are food insecure
Christmas Is Not Your Birthday—Annual donations to support specific community health and anti-poverty initiatives.
Mentors with students at Sumner Ave. Elementary School--this outreach program is gearing up again and we're looking for volunteers. If you would like to be a pen pal or a lunch buddy or participate in the Read Aloud, please contact Rob for more information.
JFON—New England Justice for Our Neighbors provides free, high-quality immigration legal services for eligible individuals and families, advocates for immigrants’ rights and educates communities of faith and the public about ministries of hospitality with immigrants in our communities. We connect with persons seeking information and counsel through our Springfield clinic, which meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.
Local Ministries

Trinity supports a number of local ministries:
Revitalize Springfield
An organization committed to revitalize homes and lives through preservation, education, and community involvement.
Angel Tree Project
Christmas gifts for children whose parents are in prison.
Church World Service CROP Walk
Trinity hosts and supports the annual walk to end hunger both locally and world wide.
Mobile Food Bank of Western Mass
Fresh and non-perishable groceries are delivered to Trinity’s parking lot on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday to be distributed to neighborhood residents. There is no eligibility requirement for receiving the food.
UMCOR Disaster Relief for Victims of Natural Disasters
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) responds to disasters in the United States and around the world by working with communities and local partners. When a disaster overwhelms a community’s ability to recover on its own, UMCOR provides essential relief supplies and supports long-term rebuilding efforts. While UMCOR is not a first-response organization, it stands ready to accompany communities in need over the long haul of their recovery until a “new normal” is established after a crisis. “Early in and last out” is a guiding principle of UMCOR.
To learn more about UMCOR, visit their website. You can make a donation directly on their website or follow the link below to give through Trinity.
International Ministries

Nicaragua Covenant
Trinity has supported the Nicaragua Covenant since 2013 with both donations and an annual mission trip. Members of the mission team have helped provide clean water and sanitation as well as build stoves, deliver material donations, and assist with feeding programs and the mobile health clinic, among others.
The September exhibit in the Community Gallery is celebrating our 10 years in Nicaragua with pictures taken during Trinity's mission trips there. Please stop by the gallery during September to view these photos. A reception will be held on Sunday, September 15, 2024, from 1:00 -3:00 p.m. All are invited.
With the current unrest in Nicaragua, the Nicaragua Covenant has been forced to decrease their operations. Travel is on hold for now due to instability within the country, however we continue to keep our sisters and brothers in our prayers.
This is the statement from their FaceBook page:
For more information, please contact us at nicaragua@trinityspringfield.org.