Worship Services

361 Sumner Ave.
Springfield, MA 01108

Children and Family



Trinity’s Church School, called LIGHT@9 (Learning in God’s House Together at 9 a.m.) offers engaging and interactive classes for elementary aged kids and youth.

Children Kindergarten through grade 5 meet together in Vincent Hall with two experienced teachers, who guide them through lessons that include songs and music, a Bible lesson, and a wide variety of extension activities based on that lesson.  

Children through Grade 5 must be dropped off and picked up by their parents in accordance with our safe sanctuary policy.  You may read our Safe Sanctuaries policy here.

The youth class meets on the second floor with Rob at 9:00 a.m.    

All LIGHT@9 students must complete a registration form.  These are available at the LIGHT@9 Welcome Desk outside Vincent Hall on Sundays or in the back of the sanctuary.  They are also available at the link below to be downloaded, completed, and returned to the church.

LIGHT@9 Registration Form 

Chapel Kids

Ages 5-13 may leave the worship service after the second hymn for their own worship service in Chapel, through the doors to the right of the sanctuary. Chapel Kids is offered weekly except for the first Sunday of the month which is Communion Sunday and special holidays. Parents must drop off and pick up their child.  Each one must be registered the first time they come unless they have already registered for class or music programs. 

Children's Message 

Every Sunday there's a special Children's Message during the worship service in the sanctuary.  Rob Powell, the Director of Family Ministries and Connections, shares a message just for children that goes along with the sermon and theme for the day.  All children are invited to join him on the chancel steps and participate.

Children's Table

The Children’s Table offers coloring pages and other materials to help children feel welcome and comfortable in church. The table is located in the rear of the sanctuary. 

Nursery Care 

Trinity's Nursery is open every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to noon to care for children from birth to 4 years old.  Nursery care is provided by caring volunteers during our worship service


We are sharing some images of LIGHT@9, the Children's Message during worship, Kid's Chapel, and our children participating in the life of the church during the 2023-24 program year.  You can enlarge the image by clicking on it.