2024 Crop Walk

Greater Springfield 2024 CROP Hunger Walk

Ending Hunger One Step at a Time


When?      Sunday October 6  Registration at 1:00 p.m.  Walk begins at 2:00 p.m.

Where?     Trinity's front lawn

What?        A fund-raising walk through Forest Park 

Why?         To support Church World Service and its work building global resilience and ending hunger.  

Who?         Team Trinity--any member or friend of Trinity willing to walk and solicit donations

Goal?         Trinity's goal for this year is to have at least 30 walkers and raise $4000

How?         Go to 2024 CROP Hunger Walk - Team Trinity Springfield to sign up to walk and/or to donate

No one in this world should be hungry. That's why the CROP Hunger Walk is more than just a yearly gathering. It's a movement that's 55 years strong, made up of compassionate people in more than 500 communities across the U.S.

The steps we take - and the funds we raise together - will provide life-saving support including emergency food and resources, along with the seeds, tools and programs that will help families feed themselves in the future.

For a $20 donation, a family will be supplied with chickens for a constant supply of eggs.  Thirty dollars will equip a household with a water filter for a constant supply of clean water. Sixty dollars will supply three families with home gardening to raise nutritious veggies.

The CROP Hunger walk supports Church World Service and its work building global resilience and ending hunger. Twenty percent of the proceeds from the Walk remain local to help food pantries in our community including the Western Mass Food Bank, Open Pantry, and Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen, as they work to help our neighbors here in the Springfield area, including the Parkside Pantry we have here at Trinity!

Please consider joining the team and/or donating to those who are walking.  In addition to helping eliminate food insecurity worldwide, walking with Team Trinity gives you a chance to get to know other members of Trinity and also to know you are doing your part in the worldwide effort t eliminate hunger.

These are some images from the 2023 CROP Walk.