Have you ever looked at a fruit tree after its leaves have fallen? With the branches exposed you may have noticed that some are dead and others are growing tightly against one another as though they are fighting for the same space. With pruning these trees have a better chance of staying healthy. By removing the dead branches and ones that are keeping other branches from healthy growth the tree has a better chance of bearing a full harvest of fruit the following year. Less is more.
Perhaps you are feeling this tightness of “more” in your own lives as you prepare for Christmas. Our devotional booklet, “Less is More” from The Salt Project, invites us to enter into a simpler time during Advent. This year there is also a companion poster filled with activity ideas for each week of Advent. The booklet includes a weekly devotional including scripture, meditation, and prayer. It also includes directions for some of the activities found on the poster (such as the Advent Body Meditation or The Feast of Saint Lucia).
You can download these resources by clicking on the links below. There will also be a few printed copies at the back of the sanctuary. We hope these resources will help you to “dial back the ‘more’ [to] get closer to the heart of Advent and Christmas. (The Salt Project)